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Penny Erickson

Penny has a passion for constructing things and supporting our crews in reaching their peak performance each day. As the person in charge of field operations, she is committed to understanding the homeowner’s needs. Penny ensures that Blackrock Exteriors upholds elevated standards in both its work and communication.

In her own words: “My childhood involved a bit of moving around, from ND to the Twin Cities, but we eventually settled in Blackduck, MN. Growing up, I had the privilege of engaging in a diverse range of activities including fishing, snowmobiling, 4-wheeling,  waterskiing, and hunting, along with the love of participation in team sports.. After returning to the Twin Cities, I found my calling in the trades. While I possess a variety of skills, my standout talent lies in guiding people on what needs to be done. I eagerly anticipate collaborating with you and delivering the same high-quality workmanship that I would expect for my own home!”

Sarah Baso

Sarah’s background includes working as a contract lawyer, nonprofit director, homemaker, and entrepreneur running her own sewing and design business. After making many mistakes in the process of purchasing and owning her first home, she became interested with the world of  exterior construction and water mitigation. After working through her own struggles with lack of knowledge about the insurance industry and claims process, she is now passionate about empowering other homeowners, particularly as it pertains to storm damage and insurance claims.

As the person in charge of business operations and finance, Sarah manages the behind the scenes infrastructure of Blackrock Exteriors. She also is currently actively creating educational opportunities for homeowners to learn the right questions to ask their real estate agents, insurance agents and building contractors. 

When she’s not on the phone with insurance companies or meeting with the Blackrock Exteriors Team, she’s busy juggling her family’s schedule, taking a long run at Elm Creek Park, or enjoying the sunshine with a good book.

Cindy Litwitz

Cindy embarked on her journey with Blackrock Exteriors, driven by a desire to create a construction company with integrity: committed to transparency, fairness, and accountability in its dealings with clients, employees, suppliers, and the community. 

As the holder of the general contractor license, Cindy meticulously ensures that all details are attended to, leaving no ‘i’ undotted and ‘t’ uncrossed.

Functioning as a liaison between you, the homeowner, and the insurance claims office, Cindy dedicates herself to securing comprehensive coverage for all damages, aiming to restore your property to its pre-loss condition. With a background as a former attorney and financial planner, Cindy continues to contribute her expertise in the risk mitigation sector at a prominent financial services firm.

During her leisure time, Cindy finds joy in activities like kayaking, scuba diving, and motorcycling. Her favorite places include the BWCA, the Black Hills, and any ocean (preferably 60 feet under).